South of Scotland MSP, Emma Harper, is urging the UK Government to focus on the European Citizens who work in Scotland’s dairy farming industry as Brexit negotiations continue.


She has spent the summer visiting farms and attending agricultural events in order to talk to local farmers about their concerns and the future of dairy farming is top of the list.


Emma said: “The south west of Scotland is home to 48% of this country’s dairy farms and the industry is key to the development of our economy.
“Many of the people who work in dairy farming are from other countries in Europe and they and their employers are very worried about the future in Scotland as we move towards Brexit. 
“Last week I spoke to a dairy farmer who employs five staff members from the EU who milk and help manage his herd of 600 cows.  Many of the local dairy farms are in the same position.  Farmers and their staff, are all worried about how they plan for dairy farming in post-Brexit Scotland. The farm workers are here as families and their kids attend local schools.  This is not just about numbers. This is about people and families who live and contribute positively to our local communities.
“I have been in contact with the Parliamentary Officer from the National Farmers Union Scotland (NFUS), and I was informed that a paper is being prepared for the European and External Relations Committee so my colleagues will be given detailed information about the issues including the numbers of employees.
“But we need the UK Government to put this issue at the top of the agenda when they discuss the free movement of people across Europe when Scotland is forced to leave the EU as part of the Brexit process”.


For further information please contact Emma’s constituency office by phone on 01387 255 334 or by email at [email protected]


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