Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly Sale of Store Cattle in Dumfries on Monday.
149 Forward – All classes continue to be sought after with a big ringside of buyers present.
71 Bullocks ave 211.2ppk to 243.5ppk and £1170
78 Heifers ave 222.9ppk to 265.4ppk and £1105

Bullocks Per Head
Simmental to £1170 High Auchneel, £1130 North Bowerhouses, £1080, £1040, £1025 Longrigg, £930 Castlefairn
Charolais to £1150, £1150 High Auchneel, £1060 Powhillon
Limousin to £1105 North Bowerhouses
British Blue to £1000 High Auchneel
Holstein to £950 North Bowerhouses
Angus to £920 Castlefairn, £915 Dairy House
Shorthorn to £885 Castlefairn
Heifers Per Head
Limousin to £1105, £1085, £1045 (x2) High Aucheneel, £1100 Innerfield, £960 East Gallaberry, £940 Innerfield
Charolais to £1035 Gillenbie, £970 High Auchneel
Limousin to £1000 Newmains
British Blue to £1000 (x2) East Gallaberry, £915 Powhillon
Angus to £945 No2 Howes
Simmental to £920 North Bowerhouses
Bullock Per Kilo
Simmental to 243.5p Gillenbie
Charolais to 242.4p Gillenbie
Angus to 234.6p Park of Tongland
Limousin to 234.2p East Gallaberry
Heifers Per Kilo
Limousin to 265.4p Artfield
Charolais to 265.4p Gillenbie
Limousin to 261.1p Innerfield
British Blue to 256.4p East Gallaberry
Angus to 235.3p Innerfield
Next Breeding Sale Monday 13th July 2015

45 Breeding Cattle at the June Sale
Plenty of demand with Limousin Heifers with Limousin Bull Calves from J Paterson & Co, Kildarroch making £2250, £2150

Shorthorn Heifers and Limousin Bull Calf to £2050 Kildarroch
Saler x Heifer and Limousin Bull Calf to £2000 Kildarroch
Limousin Cow (4th Calver) with Limousin Bull Calf to £2050 Kildarroch
Angus x Heifer and Simmental Heifer to £1850 Garmartin
Angus Bulls to £1600 Kilbarchan
Bulling Heifers British Blue to £1100 Beuchan

DUMFRIES Young Calves 01.06.15

Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly sale of Young Calves in Dumfries on Monday.
A small but quality show of Calves forward.
Top price was £410 for a Aberdeen Angus Bull from M/S Millar, Ryes. More Calves required to fulfil buyers requirements.
Angus to £410 Ryes
British Blue to £380 Capelfoot
Limousin to £380 Ryes
Holstein to £185, £125 Ryes
Limousin to £390, £365 Ryes

Next Calf Sale Monday 15th June at 10.15am
Contact Kate Macdonald 07741 313 029

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