C & D Auction Marts Ltd held Weekly Sale of Primestock in Dumfries on Wednesday.
102 Cattle Forward
21 Prime Cattle – Best handy weights in short supply and wanted.
Limousin Heifer to 221.5p from J Retson, Gardrum to R Johnstone & Sons Butchers Annan, 211.5p from J & L Craik, Waterside to Ballard Butchers Castle Douglas, 210.5p from Waterside, Haugh or Urr to Mr C Anderson
Others to 210p, 209.5 from J & J Campbell, Dinnans
81 OTM Cattle – Trade for all classes very competative
Per Head
Limousin to £1084.20 Mid Bishopton
Simmental to £931.70, £893.75 Dinnans, £832.50 Leithenhall
Holstein Friesian to £911.50, £838.30 Hotts, £869.40 Netherwood, £852.80 Guillyhill
Angus to £929.50 Druidhall, £888.35 Courstein
Charolais to £890.50 Oxgang
Per Kilo
Limousin to 139p Mid Bishopton
Simmental to 131p, 113p Gillesbie, 125p, 121p Dinnans, 111p Leithenhall
Charolais to 122p Oxgang
Limousin to 117p Courstein, 109p, 107p Townhead
Blonde to 115p Leithenhall
Angus to 112p, 110p Druidhall, 109p, 105p Easthill Cott, 109p Courstein
Saler to 111p Gillesbie
Holstein Friesian to 108p Netherwood, 107p Gamerigg, 104p Guillyhill, 103p, 102p, 101p (x2) Hotts, 102p New Farm
Shorthorn to 101p Barend

1397 Prime & Store Sheep Forward
685 Prime Hoggs – Very mixed offering forward. Best well fleshed and heavy hoggs keenly sought and scarce regularly making 190-210ppk, leaner hoggs no dearer.

41 Hoggs (25.5-32Kg) ave 175p to 197p Carsegowan
Texel to £59 Carsegowan
Blackface to £56.50 Brandleys
184 Hoggs (32.1-39Kg) ave 170p to 206p Coylton
Suffolk to £71.50 Coylton
Texel to £70 Coylton
Beltex to £70 Sunnyhill
Mule to £67 East Polqhirter
Blackface to £64 East Polqhirter
288 Hoggs (39.1-45Kg) ave 186p to 213p Dalfibble
Suffolk to £87.50 Whinneyknowe, £80.50 West Skelston
Texel to £87, £85.50 Rigghead, £86.50 Blackpark, £85 Dalfibble
Charollais to £82 west Skelston
Mule to £75.50 Maxwelltown, £74 Brandleys
Blackface to £70 East Polquhirter

172 Hoggs (46Kg+) ave 185.4p to 196p Carsegowan
Suffolk to £99 (x2) Netherhall, £89 Swyre
Texel to £94 Rigghead, £93.50 (x3) Cowans, £93 Swyre
Beltex to £92.50, £92 Cowans
218 Store Hoggs – plenty of demand for all types
Texel to £80 Tower, £69.50 Struanlee, £60.50 Tullochallum
Leicester to £71.50 Netherhall, £71 Midlock
Suffolk to £59 Tullochallum
NCC to £59 South Glen
Mule to £53.50 Craiglearen
Chev Mule to £50 Tullochallum
Blackface to £42 Barr
494 Cast Ewes & Rams Forward
Ewes similar trade to last week with a top to £128 from Midlock
Texel to £128 Midlock, £90 Netherhall
Suffolk to £97 Sunnyhill, £86 Craiglearen
Beltex to £95 Sunnyhill
Leicester to £89.50 Midlock, £83.50, £78 Tower
NCC to £78.50 Park St
Mule to £75.50 Swyre, £73.50 Shawsmuir, £73 Bankswood, £73 Carsegowan
Cheviot to £70 Hall
Lleyn to £64 Sunnyhill
Blackface to £61 Dempsterton, £60 Netherhall, £59.50 Drumbuie, £58.50 Burnton, £58 Dressrtland
Leicester to £98.50 Netherhall, £92, £90.50 Tower
Texel to £80 Hall
Blackface to £63.50 Drumbuie


C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their fortnightly sale of Store Cattle in Dumfries.
200 Forward – Younger suckler bred cattle easily sold, a bigger percentage of dairy bred cattle forward.

76 Bullocks ave 208.3p to 246.8p and £1135
26 Holstein Friesian ave 149.6p to 189.2p and £1135
69 Heifers ave 193.6p to 223.3p and £1100
15 Holstein Friesian ave 102.1p to 126.8p and £710
14 Bulls ave 210.7p to 236.8p and £950

Per Head
Limousin to £1135 Boreland, £1010, £950 High Auchneel, £1000 Cushag, £995 Cormaddie, £980 Shenrick
British Friesian to £1135, £905 Boreland
Simmental to £1065 High Auchneel, £955 Hartbush, £880 Cormaddie
Angus to £1005 Kirkbride
British Blue to £1000 High Auchneel
Charolais to £995 Cormaddie
Fleckvieh to £900 No4 Mid Locharwoods

Limousin to £1100 Annefield, £1040 West Bowhill, £1005, £965 Kirkbride, £970 Cushag, £930 High Auchneel
British Blue to £1090 Kirkbride
Charolais to £1020, £900 Annefield
Angus to £980 North Bowerhouses, £975 High Auchneel, £920 Upper Moor
Simmental to £960 Upper Moor, £920 Longrigg
Montbelliard to £950 Longrigg
Limousin to £910 Cushag
Holstein Friesian to £710 Longrigg
Simmental to £950, £945 Abune the Brae
Limousin to £945, £900 Abune the Brae

Per Kilo
Charolais to 232.6p Cormaddie
Simmental to 236.3p Buittle Mains
Limousin to 246.8p Buittle Mains

Angus to 223.3p Barend

Limousin to 236.8p Abune the Brae
Simmental to 233.3p Barend

DUMFRIES Young Calves 08.02.16

C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their fortnightly Sale of Young Calves at Dumfries.
An ever increasing ringside of buyers was present for a smaller, yet quality show of calves. Keen competition for all types, more could easily be sold.
Top Prices
Limousin to £365, £310 Ryes
Hereford to £350 Barend
Holstein Friesian to £105 Ryes
Limousin to £470 Lochbank

Next Calf Sale Monday 22nd February 2016 at 10.15am,
all enquiries/entries to Matthew Thomson 07900 181 6350

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