Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly sale of Store Cattle in Dumfries on Monday.
211 Forward – A huge attendance of buyers were active for all classes. More forward cattle present.

120 Bullocks ave 232.3p to 284.7p and £1320
15 Holstein Friesian Bullocks ave 186.7p to 190p and £775
63 Heifers ave 215.8p to 280p and £1160
13 Bulls ave 220p to 250p and £955

Bullocks per head
Limousin to £1295, £1255 North Bowerhouses, £1170 Lochbank, £1145 North Bowerhouses, £1140 Backburn, £1115 Kirkbride, £1105 Lochbank.
Angus to £1210, £1160 Kirkhill, £930 Backburn, £925 Dalswinton.
British Blue to £1215, £1205 Harwood on Teviot, £1120 Backburn.
Charolais to £1320, £1260, £1245 (x2) West Lanegate, £1150 Hazelbank.
Blonde to £1230, £1210, £1195, £1160 Kirkhill.
Simmental to £1160 Abune the Brae, £1105, £970 Dalswinton.
Shorthorn to £1050 Abune the Brae.
Holstein Friesian to £775 Fardingjames.
Heifers per head
Devon to £975 Upper Portrack.
Limousin to £1160 Skipmyre, £1115, £1090, £1055 Kirkbride, £1035, £990 Skipmyre.
Angus to £1160 Skipmyre, £1030 Kirkhill, £940 Ballaggan.
British Blue to £1090 Kirkbride, £1055 Harwood on Teviot, £1045 Upper Portrack.
Blonde to £1005 Kirkhill.
Charolais to £1040 West Lanegate.
Bulls per head
Luing to £890, £885 Raehills Farms
Simmental to £955, £900 Rockhallhead.

Bullocks Per Kilo
Charolais to 258p Auchengruith
Limousin to 284p Abune the Brae
Blonde to 237p Kirkhill
British Blue to 221p Harwood on Teviot
Simmental to 255p Dalswinton
Shorthorn to 221p Westhills
Angus to 229p Fardingjames
Heifers Per Kilo
Limousin to 244p Abune the Brae
Simmental to 280p Buittle Mains
Bulls Per Kilo
Simmental to 250p Rockhallhead
Luing to 221p RaehillsFarms
Limouson to 243p Copewood

DUMFRIES Young Calves 26.01.15

Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly sale of Young Calves in Dumfries on Monday.
11 Young Calves forward, demand for calves was strong resulting in a big trade. More could have been sold to vendors advantage. Top price was £500 for a 12 week old Limousin bull from S S Hutton & Co., Buittle Mains.
Top prices
Limousin to £500 Buittle Mains
British Blue to £450 Kerricks
Montbeliard to £270 Longrigg

Simmental to £330 Buittle Mains
Limousin to £375 Ryes
Next Calf Sale Monday 9th February 2015
Contact Kate Macdonald 07741 313 029

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