Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly Sale of 384 Store Cattle in Dumfries on Monday which incorporated their annual Spring Sale of Organic Cattle.

52 Organic Cattle – Numbers were in short supply. Buyers were actively seeking greater numbers with trade buoyant, mainly yearlings forward.

31 Organic Bullocks ave 245p – £1010.81 to 290p and £1170
21 Organic Heifers ave 216.2p – £907.22 to 277.1p and £1055

Per Head
Organic Heifers
Charolais to £1020 Woolfords
Simmental to £1055 (x3), £955 (x2) Outer Blair
British Blue to £900 Upper Locharwoods
Organic Bullocks
Charolais to £1170 (x2), £1015 Woolfords
Per Kilo
Charolais to 277.1 Woolfords
Charolais to 290p, 288.1p, 275.3p Woolfords
British Blue to 240.3p Upper Locharwoods

332 Non Organic Cattle were presented to a full ringside of buyers with trade continuing to please.

162 Bullocks ave 229.7p to 303.8p and £1325
148 Heifers ave 216.1p to 272.7p and £1145
18 Holstein Friesian ave 163.6p to 174.2p and £985
4 Bulls ave 205.8 to 234.5p and £1290

Devon to £1325 Westhills
Limousin to £1300 Westhill, £1140, £1125, £1120, £1115, £1105 High Auchneel, £1130 Newmains, £1080 Skipmyre, £1030 Kirkbride, £1025, £1000 Meikleholm, £1010 Meikle Firthhead
Angus to £1180 Westhills, £1100 Auchneel, £1050 Kirkbride, £965 Upper Moor
Simmental to £1180 Meikle Firthhead, £1010 Cormaddie, £990 Meikleholm, £915 Lochbank
British Blue to £1095 Kirkbride, £1065 Upper Moor, £985 Meikle Firthhead
Charolais to £1010, £915 Cormaddie, £990 Meikleholm
Holstein Friesian to £985 Formannoch, £830 Upper Moor
Galloway to £955 Castlefairn
Shorthorn to £925 Upper Barr, £925 Butterdales
Simmental to £1155, £1085 Outer Blair
Limousin to £1145, £1005, £960 Meikleholm, £1005 (x2) Kirkbride, £990 Skipmyre, £980 High Auchneel, £970 Whitehill
Angus to £1125, £1015 Westhills, £1030, £900 Kirkbride, £935 Upper Moor
British Blue to £1055 Meikle Firthhead, £1005, £1000 Kirkbride
Angus to £1290 Westhills
Simmental to £900 Abune the Brae

Per Kilo
Blonde to 303.8p Brandyburn
Shorthorn to 256.9p Bogue
Hereford to 278.3p Brandyburn
Charolais to 256.9p Cormaddie
Simmental to 256.9p Cormaddie
Limousin to 266.1p Brandyburn, 256.8p Cocklicks, 251.4p Cormaddie
Blonde to 272.7p Brandyburn
Hereford to 262.8 Brandyburn
Simmental to 238.5p Bush of Craigs
Limousin to 238.5p Bush of Craigs
Angus to 234.5p Westhills

DUMFRIES Young Calves 20.04.15

Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly sale of Young Calves in Dumfries on Monday.
22 Calves Forward – A Large ringside of buyers in attendance with continental calves and strong Friesian types being easily sold.
Top price of the day was £410 going to both B Harper, Rashgill Park for a British Blue x Heifer and W Miller, Ryes for a Limousin x Bull (10wo) with many buyers going home empty handed.
British Blue to £410 Rashgill
Simmental to £400 Cleughbrae
Limousin to £305 Ryes
Limousin to £410, £360 Ryes
British Blue to £325 North Corbelly
Shorthorn to £170, £165 Brickhouse
Holstein Friesian to £112, £105 Courance

Next Calf Sale Monday 4th May at 10.15am
Contact Kate Macdonald 07741 313 029


Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart held weekly Primestock Sale in Dumfries on Wednesday.

74 Prime & OTM Cattle Forward
16 Prime Cattle – Local Butchers & Wholesalers actively seeking best sorts.
Heifers Limousin to 230.5p from R Neill, Upper Tinwald to R Johnstone & Sons Butchers Annan, 223.5p from Spittal, Lochans to J Scott Meats (Paisley) Ltd, 222.5p from TJ Evans, Spittal to B Taylor Butchers Lockerbie
58 OTM Cattle – Trade remains firm for all classes.
Per Head
Limousin to £1132.20 Upper Hardland, £1086.50 Skipmre, £978.75 Riggheads
Swedish Red to £1176 Dinwoodie Green
Holstein Friesian to £1126.60, £1066, £946.15 Barndennoch, £968.75 Newhouse, £945.30 Dinwoodie Green, £943.75 Kerricks
Angus to £1102.30 Sunnyhill, £1006.95 Horseholm
Charolais to £1011.70 Horseholm
Per Kilo
Charolais to 151p Horseholm
Angus to 146p Sunnyhill, 137p Horseholm
Swedish Red to 140p Dinwoodie Green
Holstein Friesian to 138p Dinwoodie Green, 131p, 130p, 127p Barndennoch, 128p Kirktonfield, 127p Netherwood, 125p Kerricks, 125p (x2) Newhouse
Limousin to 137p Thwaite
Shorthorn to 125p Upper Hardland
Ayrshire to 117p Horseclose
Heifers Holstein Friesian to 137p Thwaite

699 Prime & Cast Sheep Forward
503 Prime Hoggs – All classes in keeping with the national trend were easier especially 45Kg+ Hoggs
(133) Hoggs (32.1-39Kg) ave 184p to 213p Easthill Cottage
Texel to £73.50 Upper Tinwald
Blackface to £73.50 Rue, £73 Meikleholm, £72 Over Cairn
Suffolk to £71.50 Mains of Park
Cheviot to £70.50 Easthill Cott
Mule to £65.50 Macqueston
(206) Hoggs (39.1-45Kg) ave 182p to 204p Upper Tinwald
Texel to £80 Meikleholm, £79 Upper Tinwald
NCC to £78.50 Cleughbrae
Suffolk to £78 West Skelston
Blackface to £77 Over Cairn, £76 Meikleholm
(164) Hoggs (46Kg+) ave 152p to 191p Castlehill
Texel to £121.50, £114.50 Chapel
Leicester to £97.50 Macqueston
Suffolk to £92.50 Netherhall
196 Cast Ewes & Rams – Trade fell back
Heavy Ewes
Suffolk to £130.50, £123.50 Netherhall
Texel to £117.50 Chapel
Charollais to £117.50 Sunnyhill Lodge
Light Ewes
Cheviot to £84.50, 378.50 Easthill Cott
Blackface to £73.50 Macqueston, £72.50 Wyliehole
Suffolk to £147.50 Bankhead of Tinwald, £127.50 Sunnyhill, £125.50 Low Kirkbride
Texel to £144.50 Bankhead of Tinwald
Leicester to £128.50 Macqueston
Zwartble to £124.50 Wallacetown

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