Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart held weekly Primestock Sale in Dumfries on Wednesday.

Smaller show of Prime Cattle Forward – Short of buyers requirements and quality. The Sale topped at 204.5p for a Charolais Heifer from Castlehill, Gelston. Other top prices Charolais to 203.5p Castlehill, Gelston. Simmental to 201.5p Riggheads.
Bullocks Angus to 201.5p Wyliehole, Tundergarth

46 OTM Cattle forward to a full ringside of buyers and very short of buyers requirements. Trade was a fair bit sharper and many more could of be sold to advantage. Sale topped at 150 for Holstein Friesian from Heathfield.
Top Prices Per Head
Holstein Friesian to £1057.50 Heathfield, £957 Lakehead, £920.40 Hardgrove
Hereford to £1033.20 Laneside
Simmental to £1026.80 Riggheads
Ayrshire to £1020.70 Ryemuir
Limousin to £1015.30 Laneside, £918.75 Gillesbie
Angus to £907.20 Riggheads
Per Kilo
Holstein Friesian to 150p Heathfield, 118p, 116p Hardgrove, 116p Lakehead, 109p Conheath
Limousin to 147p, 133p Gillesbie, 142p Laneside
Simmental to 136p Riggheads
Angus to 127p Capelfoot, 127p Kirkbride, 126p Riggheads
Hereford to 126p Laneside
Ayrshire to 118p, 109p Ryemuir, 110p Waterside Mains, 106p Hollands

1066 Prime Sheep
623 Prime Hoggs were forward to usual ring of buyers all keen for sheep and short of requirements. Sale average 198.2p (SQQ 204.05p).
Sale topped at £98 for Texels from Crookedstane and to 221p for Texels from Newbigging and Carsegowan.
Per Head
Hoggs 25.5-32Kg
£55 Nisbet
Hoggs 32.1-39Kg
Texel to £84 Newbigging, £84 Carsegowan, £82.50 West Skelston
Blackface to £79.50, £75 Maxwelltown
Suffolk to £77 Barnbarroch, £71.50 Kirkbride
Mule to £75.50 Lochwood, £75 Nisbet
Hoggs 39.1-45.5Kg
Texel to £93 Kenmure, £92 Martingirth, £90 Millriggs, £90 Carsegowan
Suffolk to £89.50 Carsegowan, £89.50 West Skelston, £88.50 Riggheads
Mule to £83 Kenmure
Blackface to £83 Macqueston, £79.50 Merkland
Hoggs 46Kg+
Texel to £98 Crookedstane, £95 Carsegowan, £92.50 Druidhall
Suffolk to £88.50 (x2) Barnbarroch, £86 Kirkbride, £86 Kenmure
Mule to £86 (x2) Druidhall
Per Kilo
Hoggs 25.5-32Kg
Blackface to 196p Nisbet
Hoggs 32.1-39Kg
Texel to 221p Newbigging, 221p Carsegowan, 214p Millriggs
Suffolk to 208p Barnbarroch, 193p Kirkbride
Blackface to 204p Maxwelltown, 199p Beuchan
Mule to 200p Over Abington, 199p Lochwood
Hoggs 39.1-45.5Kg
Texel to 215p, 214p Millriggs, 215p Backburn, 214p Barnbarroch
Suffolk to 208p Carsegowan, 208p West Skelston, 201p Riggheads
Mule to 208p Kenmure
Blackface to 193p Maqueston
Hoggs 46Kg+
Texel to 207p Carsegowan, 193p Kenmure
Suffolk to 192p Barnbarroch, 187p Kirkbride
Mule to 172p Kenmure

Good show of 443 Cast Ewes & Rams met a fast selling trade and many more could have been sold. Sale topped at £136 for Texel Ram from eastside and £130 for Texel Ewes from Laughtmuirside
Blackface Ewes to £91 from Shangan and £86 Drumcruilton.
Top prices
Heavy Ewes averaged £92.42
Texel to £130, £124 Laughtmuirside, £122 Crookedstane
Suffolk to £118 Drumcruilton, £116 Druidhall
Mule to £107 Midlock, £102 Macqueston, £102 Druidhall
Leicester to £105 Macqueston
NCC to £89 Mollin
Berrichon to £82 Newark
Light Ewes averaged £64.96
Lleyn to £101 Laneside
Blackface to £91 Shangan, £86 Drumcruilton, £79 Druidhall, £77 Kenmure, £75 Midlock
Cheviot to £78 Burn
Rams averaged £86.45
Texel to £136 Eastside, £106 Crookedstane
Cheviot to £118 Mollin
Leicester to £114 Midlock, £98 Crookedstane
Charollais to £104 Finnieness
Blackface to £91 midlock

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