The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart held their Annual Sale of Cast Rams, Ewes and Store Hoggs on Friday in Dumfries.
2285 Head Forward

1370 Store Hoggs – A good attendance of buyers were actively seeking feeding hoggs.
Texel (ave to £62.54) to £76.50 Ford, £73.50 South Mains, £73 Carse Rigg, £73 Capelfoot, £73 Drumcruilton, £72.50 Ford, £72 Farthingwell, £71.50 Barbuie Cott, £71 Archbank, £70.50 Halldykes
Beltex (ave £77) to £77 Halldykes
Suffolk to (ave £59.98) £73 Denbieyett, £69.50 Barbuie, £69 Ford, £67 Romesbeoch, £66 Castlehill, £65 Tibbers
NCC (ave £59.13) to £67.50, £63.50 Archbank, £64 Capelfoot
Dorset (ave £67) to £67 Townpark
Chev Mule (ave £56.97) to £66.50 Dalhanna
Blackface (ave £45.13) to £64 Snar, £54.50 Over Cairn
Mule (ave £62.58) to £63.50 marwhirn, £63.50 Auchenhessnane, £63.50 Ballinnie
Cheviot (ave £47.56) to £59 Shortcleugh

Tup Lambs
Texel (ave £70.13) to £89 Dressertland, £65.50 Ballinnie
Mule (ave £72.50) to £72.50 Auchenhessnane
Dorset (ave £70) to £70 Townpark
NCC (ave £60) to £69 Archbank
Blackface (ave £50.05) to £68 South Mains, £67 Snar, £63.50 dressrtland
Cheviot (ave £63) to £64 Clenries

711 Cast Ewes – Trade pleasing, more leaner ewes forward

Heavy Ewes averaged £84.26
Texel to £147, £117 Kilfaddoch, £112 Dressertland, 3112 Drumcruilton, £105 Dressertland
Half Bred to £106 Hartbush
Leicester to £105 Kilfaddoch
Mule to £98 Shawsmuir, £90 Auchencheyne
NCC to £87 Annefield, £80 Dressertland

Light Ewes averaged 5£5.10
Mule to £84 Dressrtland
Texel to £80 Dressertland
Lleyn to £80 Burnside of Mabie
Dorset to £79 Mabie Farm
Blackface to £77 Abune the Brae, £70 Hillbank
Cheviot to £67 Dressertland

204 Cast Rams – Trade firm for all types
Rams averaged £91.47
Suffolk to £140 Maryfield, £120 Hartbush
Texel to £140 Foregirth, £111 Carruchan, £110, £105 Dressertland, £105 Abune the Brae, £104 Capelfoot, £101 Dressertalnd Cott, £100 Carse Rigg
Charollais to £130 Hayfield
Leicester to £126 Macqueston, £101 Bogue, £101 Marwhirn, £97 Gateslack, £91 Marwhirn
NCC to £118 Capelfoot
Beltex to £104 Dressertland, £100 Capelfoot
Cheviot to £92 Clenries, £87 Castle Crawford
Blackface to £87 Macqueston, £85 Craigdarroch, £84 Over Cairn, £80 Nunnerie

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