
First Pig Sale For Over 30 Years Held At Dumfries Mart ( Full Sales Reports)

C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their inaugural show and sale of pigs in Dumfries on Monday.

All classes of pigs were well supported and a keen ringside of buyers saw a brisk tarde ensue. Weaners were harder to cash. Porkers and cutters sold well to vendors expectationsand sows and boars were hotlt competed for overall a successful sale for desent quality sorts.

Champion gilt sold to £140 from  SAC College, Easter Howgate.

Weaners to £80, Light Porkers to £85, Growers to £45, Cutters to £100, Baconers to £120, Sows to £140 , Boars to £110.

Next Sale Monday 10th February.

Entries to Robert Weir 07885 729 495 or Office 01387 279 495


C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their final sale of store cattle in Dumfries for 2019.

150 Forward: Full ringside of buyers ensured that trade exceeded sellers expectations.

Bullocks – £1140 Highlaw and to 236p/kg Belridding ave 198.2p/kg.

Heifers – £1070 Highlaw and 232p/kg St Ninians ave 190.5p/kg.


Bullocks per head

Lim – £1140, £1090 Highlaw, £1050, £1010 No 6 Howes, £1030 Belridding, £1030 High Auchneel. Sal – £1050 High Auchneel. Stab – £1000 High Auchneel. BB – £1000 Gimmenbie, £955 Highlaw. Sim – £985, £965 Maxwellbank, £960 High Auchneel, £910 High Townhead. SH – £980 Gimmenbie, £920, £905 Dumfries House. Char – £960 High Auchneel. Here – £960 Gimmenbie. MRI – £850 Gimmenbie. AA – £835 Sheddock.

Heifer per head

BB – £1070 Highlaws, £1050 St Ninians Grove, £960 High Auchneel. Sim – £1015 (x2), £940 High Townhead, £960 High Auchneel, £930 Maxwellbank, £900 Jardine Hall Mains. Luing – £1015 High Townhead. AA £1005, £975, £945 Jardine Hall Mains. Char – £975 High Auchneel. Lim  – £960 High Auchneel, £940 Gimmenbie,  £925 Ballaggan.

Champion Dairy

C & D auctions held their christmas show of Dairy cattle in Dumfries. Ably judged by Alistair Martin, Hightown of Craigs. The leading price of £1750 was achieved on three occassions for well balanced Red and White Holstein Heifers from The Cowhill Trust, Muirside.

HF in Milk – £1750 (x3) , £1700, £1620, £1600 Muirside.

Ayshire in Milk – £1650 Muirside

Montbelliarde x Heifers calving February selling to £1400 and £1350 Shenrick.

NorRed I/c to £1300 Shenrick.


Champion Calf

C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their fortnightly sale of calves in Dumfries on 09.12.19 which included the Christmas Show.

A quality show of calves forward to a full side of active buyers. The days judge Callum Kirk, Hall of Drumpark awarded his champion to M/s Graham, Hillend which went on to sell for £600 to M/s Muir, Cleughbrae. Best Dairy bred calf was awarded to M.s Currie, Barndennoch which sold to the judge at £520.

Bulls  – Lim – £600 Hillend, £400, £370 Barndennoch. BB – £400, £350, £300, £295, £290(x2) Bruntshields. Sim – £400 Hillend. AA – £380 Barndennoch. Here – £370 Buittle Mains.

Heifer – Lim – £520 (x2), £470, £450 (x4) Barndennoch.  AA – £340 (x3) Barndennoch. BB – £300, £235 Bruntshields.