Dumfries Mart Weekly Report 1 15/06/15

DUMFRIES Young Calves 15.06.15

Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly sale of Young Calves in Dumfries on Monday.
18 Good quality calves forward. All classes were presented to a full ringside of buyers, trade continues to be brisk competing with other centres.
Top price of the day was £455 for a Lim x bull from Millar, Ryes.
More calves required.
Angus to £445, Ryes
British Blue to £445, Kerricks
Limousin x to £455 Ryes
Holstein to £180 (x2), £170 Upper Portrack.
Devon £180, Upper Portrack
Angus to £415, £390, Ryes

Next Calf Sale Monday 29th June at 10.15am, please advise all entries.
Contact Kate Macdonald 07741 313 029



Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly Sale of Store Cattle in Dumfries on Monday.
A small show was presented to a very active ringside of buyers. Trade still good.
40 Bullocks ave 236.9ppk to 275.6ppk and £1000
21 Heifers ave 205.4ppk to 254.4ppk and £1100

Bullocks Per Head
Charolais to £975,Cocklicks.
Limousin to £975 Cockllicks
Limousin x to £1000, £980 Cocklicks
British Blue to £980 Cocklicks
Angus to £830, Dairy House
Hereford x £995, Cocklicks
Heifers Per Head
Limousin x to £1100, £1005 No 2 Tregallon
Angus to £1050, No 2 Tregallon
Holstein £795, Inglestonford
Simmental £1015, Newbie Mains Farm
Bullock Per Kilo
Simmental to 259.10p Dairy House
Angus to 275.60p Hazelbank
Heifers Per Kilo
Limousin x to 254.4p, 252.90p No 2 Tregallon , 241.50p The Meadows

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