NFU Scotland is reminding its members who transport wide and abnormal loads to apply for an agricultural dispensation.
The new system was introduced in March this year following work with Police Scotland and in recent weeks NFU Scotland has been made aware of farmers who have been stopped and have failed to apply for a dispensation for their machinery.
In the course of every-day agricultural operations, farmers will have frequent requirements to move machinery on public roads.
Farmers are now required to follow a standardised application procedure and should only have to notify Police Scotland once every 12 months for up to a 20-mile radius.
Previously farmers were required to notify Police Scotland of each individual movement of relevant machinery. This was difficult to comply with as farming is subject to seasonal weather constraints and increasingly complex operations that require frequent movement of machinery over concentrated periods of time.
To apply, farmers can email [email protected] with their name, address, email, along with vehicle type and registration numbers and the width and length of the largest piece of equipment.
Police Scotland has discretion to offer dispensation for a shorter period and may choose to apply individual restrictions including not going on certain roads and avoiding certain times of day.
Gemma Thomson, NFU Scotland’s Legal and Technical Policy Manager commented: “NFU Scotland has worked hard in conjunction with Police Scotland to reach this outcome and have a new system introduced. Farmers have made use of it, but there are others who have not applied for a dispensation.
“We encourage farmers to apply for a dispensation at the earliest opportunity for their wide and abnormal movements to avoid potential fines and penalties.
“Whilst this approach removes the need for farmers to notify the police of each individual movement, NFU Scotland would like to remind farmers that they still have a duty to ensure that movements are safe and all legislation regarding escorts and vehicle marking are complied with.”

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