First Minister Backs Scotch Lamb Campaign

During a visit organised by NFU Scotland to South Slipperfield Farm, West Linton, run by the Dykes family, Ms Sturgeon was presented with one of the Scotch Lambassador kits which QMS is offering free of charge to Scottish farming families.
In the past week QMS has been inundated with requests for the kits from farmers throughout Scotland with the First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Food and the Environment, Richard Lochhead being welcomed as the latest “Lambassador” recruits.
“We are delighted the First Minister and the Cabinet Secretary are offering their support to the industry’s collective effort to encourage many more Scots to enjoy one of the most natural and delicious foods in Scotland’s larder,” said Jim McLaren, Chairman of QMS.
“During 2015, Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink, there is a huge opportunity for everyone to work together to spread the word about the simplicity and versatility of cooking with Scotch Lamb PGI.
“We are very encouraged by the response so far from farming families and others eager to play their part to support the campaign by sharing their enthusiasm and passion for Scotch Lamb.”
Mr McLaren also extended thanks to the sheep producers taking time away from their farms to join QMS brand ambassadors to serve Scotch Lamb to the public during some of the 112 days of sampling QMS is undertaking in retailers throughout Scotland as part of the on-going marketing campaign. Sampling activity is also being undertaken by NFU Scotland and the National Sheep Association.
QMS is also urging the Scottish public to embrace “Love Scotch Lamb Weekend” on September 5th and 6th when a series of activities are planned throughout Scotland to raise the profile of Scotch Lamb.
The free “Lambassador” kits include a Scotch Lamb apron, a new “Simply Delicious” design Scotch Lamb t-shirt and a copy of QMS’s new Guide to Scotch Lamb which features a collection of simple, speedy recipes.
The kits are being given to farmers who are members of QMS’s quality assurance scheme on a first come first served basis and can be requested via QMS’s Facebook page or by calling QMS on 0131 472 4040 or emailing [email protected]
Farmers who receive the kits are also being encouraged to share the Scotch Lamb dishes they prepare – and how easy they are to cook for friends, neighbours and family – with QMS for use via social media to help spread the word.

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