
Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Free Workshops for Farmers

The Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere, stretching across a large part of south-West Scotland, is a recognition of the fantastic array of wildlife present in the area and one of its aims is to promote the preservation of wildlife, habitats and landscape to both residents and visitors.

The Natural Heritage Team have been working in recent years to assist land managers in the protection, enhancement and restoration of the natural environment by providing guidance and support. A Natural Heritage Management Plan was produced in 2016 to help land managers working within the Biosphere. This is available to read and download form the website: http://www.gsabiosphere.org.uk/what-we-do/conservation/

Two forthcoming workshops are being held for farmers across the Biosphere, looking at management of these special habitats as part of a sustainable farming business and also at the current SRDP agri-scheme (AECS) and what is needed to develop a high quality application. Numbers are limited so booking is essential. They will run from 10.30am to 3pm, one at Maybole on Wednesday 22nd February, and the other at Newton Stewart on Wednesday 1st March.

To book a place please email: [email protected] or phone Wendy on 07467 374962


Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere is a UNESCO Biosphere because of its combination of special wildlife areas, rich cultural heritage and communities that care about their environment. Biosphere designation will help people understand, define, sustain and enhance those special qualities. As an internationally recognised label for superb natural environments the Biosphere designation will offer new opportunities for individuals, businesses and communities to demonstrate how to live and work in a way that benefits people and nature.

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