New River Nith Group To Run Community Visioning Event

A new community-led group is working with Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere to host a community visioning workshop in Sanquhar exploring how to shape the future of the River Nith together.


Nith Life is a new, grassroots group that is looking at ways to ensure the River Nith is recognised as a significant part of the region’s sustainability plans for the future. It has been able to grow and develop further thanks to support from the Stove Network and the GSA Biosphere.


The interactive workshop will be led by Dr Joanne Tippett of Manchester University, using creative, hands-on ways to gather contributions from everyone. The event at Sanquhar Town Hall on Saturday 18 February will include a workshop from 10am – 1pm, followed by a drop-in session to learn more about Nith Life and contribute ideas from 1.30 – 3pm. Everyone is welcome and no prior knowledge is needed.


You can register for this free event via the GSA Biosphere’s page on Eventbrite ( Tea and coffee will be provided but please bring a packed lunch if you plan to stay for the day. You can also contact Faith Hillier, [email protected] to find out more.


Nith Life is an open group and would love to welcome anyone with an interest in the Nith and its future to join them. Nith Life has a Facebook page, @NithLife where you can find out more about the group and see the dates of their regular meetings.

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