Owen Farm Services Update – What’s Happening In August

Budgets and Cashflow

Our team are always happy to help agricultural businesses and owners understand their accounts to ensure the best outcome. It can also be useful when identifying when you can afford to take risks, such as purchasing more land or diversifying the business.

Budgeting is one of the many business services that Owen Farm Services can offer. Knowing your figures are crucial for the running of a successful business. Our team, along with our software (Agri- Ignite, which recently won an award at the Royal Highland Show) provides an excellent level of detail to build up cash flow statements and much more. Once the budget is complete, the business can be benchmarked against industry standards. This can give indications how the business is doing and where it is heading in financial terms and improve your business decisions.



Getting the office ready for reopening

With the relaxation of restrictions we are edging closer to finally getting our office back open! Work has begun to get the office in order to welcome back staff and clients safely. All at Owen Farm Services have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, moving us one step closer to reopening. We cannot believe that our office has been closed for over a year now. We are all very much looking forward to normality resuming and getting to see more of our clients!

Here at Owen farm Services, our aim is to accommodate all and suit our clients preferences as much as possible. Being able to offer more face-to-face meetings and appointments is very exciting not just for us, but hopefully to our clients too!

Borderway Agri Expo

Some exciting news- Borderway Agri Expo on the 29th of October is going ahead.

We will be attending a show this year, our first since 2019. Much excitement and planning has begun to construct our stall. The team are looking forward to attending an actual, in person event. It will be great to see everyone face to face again, as over the Covid period we have only been able to communicate virtually. Make sure you come by our stall for a cuppa, a blether and to find out more about our services and how we can help you!



Soil Sampling

With the continuation of good weather, our team is proceeding to cover much land. Our vehicle is clocking several miles to get all the ground scanned; travelling from areas within Cumbria to the Highlands. On route our teams has witnessed some stunning views!

If you are interested to use this service on your land; please feel free to get in contact with us to discuss the best suited option for your farm.

Further Information

Office Tel: 01461 600540

Email: [email protected]

Our website: https://5agri.co.uk/about-5-agri/owen-farm-services

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