Royal Bank of Scotland Backs Royal Highland Showcase  

The Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland (RHASS) has announced that its long-term partner, Royal Bank of Scotland, is once again backing Scotland’s leading agricultural showcase.

The enduring partnership, which has been in place since 1981, will move online this year with Royal Bank of Scotland’s funding of the ‘behind closed doors’ event, the Royal Highland Showcase. The event will see judging, exhibitions and show jumping live streamed from the showground between 14th and 20th June.

The live event will be enhanced with hundreds of hours of ‘on demand’ programming which can be accessed from the Showcase website to include chef demonstrations, farrier exhibitions, forestry skills, educational programming from the Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET) and much, much more.

Fronting the Sunday (20th) wrap up show will be Dougie Vipond and Sarah Mack with the live programme a fitting finale to the innovative hybrid event designed by the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland with significant funding from the Scottish Government.

With over 1,100 livestock exhibitors and close to 2,000 equestrian exhibitors taking part and viewers tuning in from across the globe, this ambitious project will see Scottish agriculture take centre stage and mark the return to events following the crippling pandemic.

Educational content from RHET will include engaging videos, suggested activities to do at home or the classroom, a teacher-focused webinar, and meeting their volunteers. Over 5,000 schoolchildren have already signed up to participate in the Showcase direct from their classrooms.

Malcolm Buchanan, RBS Scotland Chairman said: “Royal Bank of Scotland support one in three farming businesses in Scotland and has been a long-term supporter of the Royal Highland Show.  While we are disappointed that we cannot all be together in the showground this year, we are however delighted to be part of this pioneering hybrid event which will see farmers in the ring and the public getting a front row seat to the live action. This very much fits will our digital banking strategy, which provides a five-star services to our clients.”

All content will be free to view and can be accessed via from Monday 14th June.

RHASS Chairman Bill Gray commented:

“We are delighted and would like to thank the Royal Bank of Scotland for their continued support. We very much value our partnership and look forward to a highly successful event.”

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