The AEA is delighted to announce this year’s ScotGrass event is returning to Acrehead Farm, at the SRUC Dairy Research Unit, Crighton Royal Dumfries on Wednesday 18th May.
The event sponsored by Volac gives farmers and contractors an opportunity to see new technology at work and gives them the platform to think of different ways of making more from grass this coming season.
Event organiser Duncan Russell said, “Scotgrass 2016 is on course to be even bigger than the last event and we are delighted to be making a return to Crichton Royal and
that SRUC and farms manager Hugh McClymont have agreed to host the event.
They are reporting good grass growth and Hugh is confident that with some dry weather the site will be in excellent condition with plenty of grass for the event.”Alongside the working demonstrations the Knowledge Trail will include five stations. The Conservation station will give practical help on forage and the event partner Volac will be on
hand to give advice on the best way of conserve crops. The grass variety station focus will be to look at new and improved grass varieties and how to achieve the know
-how with new grass and forage varieties to make the most of growing crops. A Controlled Traffic Farming stage is about protecting soil structure for maximum crop performance. This station will look at work done on the farm to manage where machines go in the field, not just when
conserving forage but throughout the farming year.A soil pit station will look at the farms soil structure and finally, there is a station dedicated to Cut and Carry
,supported by AHDB Dairy which will look at ways to get fresh grass in front of the cows. “ScotGrass 2016 is ideally placed for farmers and contractors from Scotland, England and Northern Ireland and will give them the opportunity to see new technology at work in practical farm conditions,” added Mr Russell.
Key facts:
Event Location:Acre Head Farm, Glencaple Road, Dumfries,
DG1 4AS, follow the road signs.
Time:8am – 4pm for demonstrations (5pm for static exhibitors)

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