Scotlands National Farmers Union meetings cancelled in response to coronavirus

In response to coronavirus, NFU Scotland has taken the difficult decision to temporarily ask the membership to not hold any meetings or gatherings until further notice writes President, Dumfries and Galloway Farmer -Andrew McCornick  in the Union’s blog..

He writes: “This is not an easy step to take as Government guidelines are not at this level yet.  However, this decision will allow us to take stock and behave responsibly for both our members and staff.”

The planned rally on trade standards in London on the 25 March, to have been held with other UK farming unions has been postponed and a decision on whether the Union proceed with its plans to celebrate Scottish food and farming across the country on May 23 is under review.

Ironically, Mr McCornick points out that this is probably the best time of year for NFUS to be making this call as there will be an element of self-isolation going on on Scottish farms and crofts with the spring work of lambing, calving, ploughing and seeding all keeping folks heads down, making meetings less frequent.

“We, as a Union and as individuals, have a duty of care for each other, and this cannot be lost in these unusual and exceptional circumstances. As every sector of society puts plans in place to mitigate the impact of the disease, the farming fraternity must act responsibly when it comes to limiting the spread of this virus.”

He urges all members to look out for one another and watch out for Government advice at:

And he offers a reminder for those who need emotional, practical or financial support in times of need, our rural charity RSABI is there to support people in Scottish agriculture and can be contacted on 0300 111 4166.

For businesses, the new Scottish Government helpline, operate by Scottish Enterprise, to supply tailored advice on coronavirus is 0300 303 0660

Read the full blog at:–13-march-2020

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