Scottish Farm Payments Underway

Payments worth more than a third of a billion pounds have begun, Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing has announced.

In the coming months, eligible farmers, crofters and land managers will receive their Basic Payment Support, Greening and Young Farmer 2019 payment.

Around 75% of eligible claimants have already received up to 95% of their payment through a government loan in October.

Mr Ewing said:

Our rural economy is on the front line of the potential impacts of Brexit, which is why this government is doing all it can, within our powers, to support rural businesses and communities.

“In line with the payment schedule I published last year, I can confirm the first tranche of 2019 Basic Payment, Greening and Young Farmer payments have now begun – a month ahead of last year.

“In the coming months, farmers, crofters and land managers will receive their final balance payment having already received £334 million through the successful loan scheme. Those who did not choose to accept a loan are being prioritised in this payment run, as we continue to support investment, jobs and the rural economy moving forward.

“Through our payment strategy and by our actions, it is the Scottish Government which is providing Scotland’s farmers and crofters with certainty, with clarity, and above all else, with financial stability.”

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