Scottish Wild Deer Management Review

Independent recommendations published. A group tasked with reviewing deer management in Scotland has published its report.

It is chaired by farmer and forester Andrew Barbour – a former Deer Commissioner for Scotland – and was tasked by the Scottish Government to make recommendations for changes that would ensure effective deer management, safeguard public interests and promote sustainability of wild deer management.

Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said:

I would like to thank Andrew Barbour, who became Acting Chairperson of the Group following Simon Pepper’s sudden and untimely death, alongside the other members of the Deer Working Group for undertaking this important review, and for their extensive work.
“It is important that we now give careful consideration to what is an extensive report, with a large number of recommendations.
“We will consider this report, alongside other evidence, and respond in due course. An important part of this will involve meeting and engaging with key stakeholders to discuss the findings of the review, and also give consideration to further, recently published work on this important and complex issue.”


The report “The Management of Wild Deer in Scotland’ is available on the Scottish Government website.

The Deer Working Group is an independent working group appointed by Scottish Ministers in October 2017, to recommend changes to ensure effective deer management in Scotland that safeguards public interests and promotes the sustainable management of wild deer. The majority of the recommendations made by the independent Deer Working Group are for improving existing legislation and practices, rather than for statutory change.

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