The 2024 Summer fails to dampen activity at the Great Corsock Show

Saturday 24th August was The Great Corsock Show, with exhibitors and visitors coming from far and wide to attend a vital feature in the Stewartry’s event calendar. Concerns had been raised over the poor growing weather this summer, but entrants turned out to make the show a success. 


The show was opened to the public at 1pm, with the ribbon cut by Jane Ingall, village resident and long-term show stalwart. Visitors were welcome to tour the categories, eat at the BBQ, take part in the bottle stall and enjoy some home baking.


At 2.30pm, the cups and prizes were awarded, the remaining produce was auctioned off and then the raffle took place.


As well as rosettes across all 57 categories, the cup winners this year were:


Best Baking:                Gilliam Smith

Best Sponge:               Lynn Jardine

Best Fruit & Veg:         Ronnie Carson

Mis-Shapen Veg:         Marshall Wrathall Veg Corporation

Basket of Veg:             June Taylor

1 flower + 1 veg:         Ronnie Carson

Scarecrow:                  Kerry McMahon

Best Homebrew:         Judi Shaw

Mini Garden:               Pippin Fitch

Best Eggs:                    Cole Jardine

Flowers:                       Gillian Smith

Judges Challenge        Hilary Robinson (Cake containing a vegetable)

Best Preserve:             Linda Dunlop

Best Handicraft:          D Marshall

Best Photo:                  Paul Durnan

Children’s Cup:            Pippin Fitch

Best Chutney:              Doug Fitch


Judi Shaw, a member of the organising committee, said:

“This year due to poor growing conditions and unpredictable weather we felt there wouldn’t be many entries for the Show. We were very wrong!
Folks rose to the challenge and supported The Great Corsock Show making it a huge success. It was wonderful to see people of all ages coming together and having fun. The standard of entries continues to exceed expectations. Its hard work but worth it.

Now we can look forward to doing it all again in 2025!”


Funds raised will go to a variety of local good causes.

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