
The Great Corsock Show Sets New Records!

Saturday 26th August was the day of the Great Corsock Show, with exhibitors and visitors coming from far and wide to attend a vital feature in the Stewartry’s event calendar.

A competitive record was set, with 319 entries received across the 55 categories, from baking to craft and vegetable to scarecrows.


The show was opened to the public at 1pm, with the ribbon cut by Pen Symonds, village resident and long-term show stalwart. Visitors were welcome to tour the categories, eat at the BBQ, take part in the bottle stall and enjoy some home baking. As a welcome addition this year, there was also clay pigeon shooting and a great fun golf game.


At 2.30pm, the cups and prizes were awarded, the remaining produce was auctioned off and then the raffle took place.

Cup winners:

Best Baking:                Mary Wong

Best Sponge:               Sharon Mitchell

Best Fruit & Veg:         Ronnie Carson

Mis-Shapen Veg:         Noah Elgar

Basket of Veg:             Ronnie Carson

1 flower + 1 veg:         Ronnie Carson

Scarecrow:                  Corsock House

Best Homebrew:         Tina Sanilands

Mini Garden:               Camila Ingall

Best Eggs:                    June Carson

Flowers:                       Ronnie Carson

Judges Challenge        Rose Jarvis (4 cupcakes)

Best Preserve:             John Green

Best Handicraft:          Cathy Laurie

Best Photo:                  Alisdair Marshall

Children’s Cup:            Flora Haggerm

Best Chutney:  Harriet Ingall + Duncan Forteath


Judi Shaw, a member of the organising committee, said:

“I spent the day saying “I haven’t seen you for ages, good to see you!”. It was great to welcome new people to the event, especially so many young people and capture their joy and enthusiasm. It was a wonderful event that demonstrated the coming together of a Village. I was able to share my auction goodies with a friend then she won one of the fabulous veg baskets in the raffle and shared that with me!
Once again record entries, with lots of folks already planning what they could enter next year! People enjoyed the additional activities, and we couldn’t survive without the BBQ.

Thank you to absolutely everyone involved.”


Funds raised will go to a variety of local good causes.

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