Dumfriesshire MSP Elaine Murray is to meet with the Dean of the Barony College, Professor Dave Roberts, to scrutinise the SRUC’s plans for the Barony College move to the Crichton Campus.

Elaine will raise her constituents’ concerns of the potential moves impact on current and future students, staff and education services.

Elaine has also highlighted her concerns with regards to Scottish Government cuts to further education as the potential reason for the move.

Dumfriesshire MSP Elaine Murray said:

“There is a clear feeling of uncertainty across Dumfriesshire about the potentially devastating impacts of the closure of the Barony College and move to the Crichton campus. These concerns must be addressed before any final decision is taken. There needs to be a cast iron guarantee that jobs will be protected, as well as the overall student experience that is currently available at the Barony in terms of courses, facilities and accommodation before anything is rubber stamped. My worry is though that because of the Scottish Government’s cuts to further education across Scotland, this move may be a cost cutting exercise rather than a step to improve the delivery of rural education.”

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