£3200 Top Price At Wallets Marts Bluefaced Leicester Sale

Wallets Marts Castle Douglas Limited held their 29th Annual show and sale of Registered Blueface Leicesters on Friday 22nd September 2017.


Quality sheep were easily sold although it was noticeable that purchasers were being selective as has been at all breeding sales.  Topping today was an outstanding shearling ram from Messrs McKie, Finniness at £3200.


Champion on the day was a ram lamb from Messrs Wight, Midlock which later sold for £1000.  Reserve Champion was a shearling consigned by Messrs McKie, Finniness selling for the second top price of the day at £1800.



Leading Prices

Bluefaced Leicester Shearlings

£3200 Finnines; £1800 Finnines; £1700 Finniness; £1700 Macqueston;  £1600 Kilfaddoch;

£1600 Marr Cottage;  £1600 Macqueston;  £1500 Barlaes;  £1400 Dalpeddar;  £1200 Barr;  £1150 Barr;  £1100 Tower Steading;  £1050 Marr;  £950 South Quintinespie;  £950 Lagganpark;  £900 Kilfaddoch;  £900 Macqueston;  £850 Barlaes;  £800 Sauchrie Mains;  £800 South Quintinespie;


Bluefaced Leicester Ram Lambs

£1600 Midlock;  £1250 Macqueston;  £1000 Midlock;  £700 Blarnavaid;  £700 Blarnavaid;  £700 Dalpeddar;  £700 Blarnavaid;  £650 Dalpeddar;  £650 Macqueston;  £550 Dalpeddar;  £520 Lilyburn;  £500 Macqueston; £500 Macqueston;


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