Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Rainbow Swimming Scheme Gala 2015 was held at The FUN Pool in Sanquhar on Saturday 21st November.

Once again this annual event, which sees participants of the Rainbow Swimming Scheme from across the region come together to compete in a relaxed, friendly and enjoyable environment, was a great success. A total of 70 swimmers, the majority of which were experiencing swimming competition for the first time, gave their all and were a credit to each of the swimming pool facilities they were representing.
This year each of the facility teams competed for two team trophies. Winners of the overall Top Team were Annan Swimming Pool ( Main Photo)who were presented with the “Sam Leask Memorial Trophy”. Sam learnt to swim in the Rainbow Swimming Lesson programme and progressed to the highest Gold award before suddenly becoming ill in 2012. Sam sadly passed away only three months later in Yorkhill Children’s Hospital. The event was so keenly competed in a wonderful spirit by so many young swimmers from across Dumfries and Galloway.

Castle Douglas Swimming Pool team
Castle Douglas Swimming Pool team

Castle Douglas Swimming Pool came out on top to win the “Team Sportsmanship Trophy” presented to the team who showed the greatest amount of enthusiasm and effort but who did so in the spirit of fair play and respect for their fellow swimmers, coaches and officials. This trophy was presented in the memory of Brian Wilgos who was the regions first Swimming Development Officer. Councillor John Syme attended the meet and presented individual and the team awards
Councillor John Syme, Vice Chair of Nithsdale area Committee said: ‘I would like to congratulate all of the swimmers for supporting and participating in the event. Furthermore a huge thank you to all the staff at The FUN Pool for hosting such a great event and to all the volunteers for their help and support in making sure that this occasion was once again a great success’


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