Boxing clever in Stewartry schools

Stewartry Fitness Box has jumped into the ring of local clubs working with the Council to provide opportunities for school pupils to experience something new and improve their fitness.

Dennis Broadhurst of Stewatry Fitness Box has committed to offering a boxing fitness block to the primary schools at Springholm and Castle Douglas. Dennis said: “It’s been overwhelming to see the response from pupils. Their energy and enthusiasm is inspiriing. BIt’s fantastic, being able to offer pupils this opportunity to experience boxing fitness.”

Participating pupil Poppy said: I learned how to do punches properly and the names of them.” Sophie said: “It’s really enjoyable and it’s good to know how to box.”

As a result of the growing partnership between local sports coaches and the Council’s Active Schools and Community Sports teams, further opportunities such as sports camps are now being planned.

Councillor Jeff Leaver, chair of The Education and Learning committee, said: “Creating experiences and opportunities for all our pupils is key. Having these opportunities made possible by committed individuals across the region is very special and clearly valued by staff and pupils.”
Councillor Ros Surtees, vice chair, said: “It’s inspiring to hear how much of an impact these opportunities are making on our pupils and to know that we’re surrounded by positive and proactive sports coaches, who volunteer to work withus to make these programmes happen.”


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