Brilliant day at Cricket Scotland women’s tournament


Women’s Indoor Tournament at Dollar – Sunday 22nd March 2015

It was another early start for the troops from Galloway on Sunday as they set off for Dollar to take part in Cricket Scotland’s indoor women’s tournament. Arriving early the girls, in true Galloway style, decided to hit a café for tea and scones to prepare for the day ahead.

Two teams attended the competition – one Galloway Ladies and one Castle Douglas High School girls. Both teams were fired up and raring to go following their successful winter training sessions with new coach, Fraser Conn and their visit from Kari Carswell (Scotland Women’s Coach) in February. There were 9 teams entered in the competition which is extremely encouraging for women’s cricket and demonstrates the great progress which has been made in the sport over the last few years. All games were played in a friendly and encouraging atmosphere but with just the right amount of competitive spirit to make the day full of excitement and close games.

The teams were split into two groups and every team played all the others in their group and at the end of the day a final was played between the top team of each group. An incredibly tight final was played between Edinburgh University and George Watson’s College with the uni girls coming out on top following some entertaining cricket.

1 a 1 a cricket 2Castle Douglas High School girls won their first ever game at this tournament and came extremely close to winning two others – all teams they played were very impressed by the progress they have made in a short time and how well they play as a team. The girls were also complimented on their friendliness, manners and general sportsmanship. The girls are certainly incredible ambassadors for their school and are looking forward to entering into Cricket Scotland’s secondary school competition in June which is taking place in Stirling. Honorary CDHS player, Orla Montgomery, who attends Hardgate Primary School, was on fire, scoring sixes and taking wickets here, there and everywhere! Spurred on by the promise of ice-cream on the way home they girls all started upping their game and more wickets fell throughout the day – not their own however with their careful batting allowing them to rack up runs safely.


Galloway Ladies had an eventful day with much excitement and also a few injuries. The women had a tough group and despite winning their first game they lost the others, but within such tight score lines that the ladies held their heads high and were proud of their performances. Two games were narrowly lost by only 3 and 4 runs! Special mention has to be made to Fiona (Pony) Ramsay who was outstanding throughout the tournament – with the bat, on the field and bowling! Pony was an inspiration to the rest of the team who also displayed grit and determination in all their games. Dawn Campbell was diving around all over the field stopping runs and keeping the pressure on the opposing teams. Louise Cumbley played in her debut for Galloway Ladies and what an incredible way to start – taking her first wicket and nearly a second in quick succession when she almost caught and bowled another batsman in the same over! The ladies are excited about the new addition to the team!

Overall it was a brilliant day for everyone and both teams are looking forward to the next women’s tournament in April. In the meantime the club are holding an exciting CricketForce weekend (28th and 29th March) with an indoor tournament at Dalbeattie High School on Saturday and a Maintenance/ Family FUN Day at the ground in Gatehouse on Sunday. Galloway Cricket Club are delighted to have been chosen as one of Cricket Scotland’s “focus” clubs for the weekend and therefore will have Cricket Scotland and some international players in attendance on the Sunday and will also benefit from coverage via national media to help promote the club. Anyone is welcome to join us for this – 10am – 4pm – there will be games, music, BBQ, cakes, tea and lots of fun so come along and say “Hello”, meet some Scotland players and have a wee game. Further information can be obtained from our website: , on our Facebook page “Galloway Cricket Club” or by contacting Natalie Hamblin on 07872 909 010.

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