
Galloway Cricket Club reach New Heights

All at Galloway Cricket Club are so proud of the 28 folk who walked, slid and climbed to the top of Cairnsmore of Fleet on Saturday 29th October as a fundraiser and team-building activity.

This crazy idea was thought up by Phil McMenemy who organised the walk and lead the group up a mountain to play cricket at the summit! Even the mucky weather didn’t dampen spirits and those who made the trek through the mist and damp to the top where the group pitched stumps and had a game of cricket must be applauded.
This was done to raise funds for the club – thank you to all who made sponsorship contributions. The group also had great news given to them by President of the club Dennis Coombs at the foot of the climb who announced that the club had received another significant contribution to the new pavilion. This was welcome news and helped push the troops up the hill with a gay and jaunty HURRAH!


It’s worth highlighting the range of ages involved in the walk – from 8 years to 70+ years – cricket truly is a great leveller and a great sport for all!


Six-hitter at the mountain top of the day: Glen Montgomery
Bowler of the day: Harry Sinclair!
Batsman of the day: Alex McMenemy for sending his bat further than the ball!!
Slip-slider of the day (joint award): Tessa Hall and Joe McMenemy
Fielder of the day: Catriona Scobie
Talker of the day (joint award): Pat Druce and Alistair Scobie
Cold Hands of the Day: Natalie Hamblin
Hat of the Day: (joint award) Rory Bathgate, Dawn Campbell and Ginger Ramsay

It’s safe to say that the challenge was so much fun and it was so good to share the whole experience as a club together that there WILL be another mountain top game of cricket organised – there has to be!!

Well done all – and thank you for everyone’s support.

Anyone who would like to get in touch with the club please email [email protected]