Galloway Branch of the Pony Club held their second Winter Camp over the weekend of 5th and 6th November.

19 members left their ponies at home to “brush” up on their theory and sleep over at the lovely Cardoness Holiday Estate by kind permission of the Hannay family. Instructors Anne Jolly and Ruth McGarry put the two groups through their paces on stable management, horse care, tack, grooming and lots more.

Members successfully gained Achievement Badges – Perfect Paddock, Loading, Handling & Grooming as well as Points of the Horse. Pony Club Efficiency Standards E, D, D+, C & C+ were worked towards, the riding practice and tests to be done in the Spring and Summer months.

Molly the horse and Blue the pony were very patient models, being rugged, bandaged, groomed and loaded numerous times, they were so well behaved. Other activities over the weekend included a treasure hunt as well as a lovely bonfire and fireworks on the beach. On the Sunday morning Newton Stewart vet, Emma Dunne came in to do horse health and 1st aid.

A final quiz by DC, Wendy Miller-Smith, checked that everyone had been listening before some tired campers and mums made their way home. Very well done to everyone who took part, hope you learned lots and had good fun.

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