Local Young people learn leadership skills

A Young Sports Leadership Academy has taken place in Annandale and Eskdale.

The 3-day course was supported by funding from the Holywood Trust and Magnox Limited and was delivered by Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Active School and Community Sport Team.

Following an application process 24 young people from local secondary schools in Annan, Langholm, Lockerbie and Moffat were selected and brought together in Lockerbie Academy for 3days of intensive training.

This included a serious of workshops and courses which provide the young people with the necessary skills to deliver organised sporting sessions in their school and local community. Some of the courses the young people participated in during the 3days included Sports Leaders, Positive Coaching Scotland, Safeguarding and Protecting Children, Working with Young People in Sport, Session Planning and Evaluation, Practical Delivery and Communication.

The course was aimed at enhancing the skills of young people to further increase levels of physical activity and support the development of young sports people in schools and communities across Annandale and Eskdale. The programme grouped together pupils from S4 to S6 to provide skills and training which would also support their progression in further education or employment in the field of sport and sports coaching.

Councillor Jeff Leaver, chair of the Education and Learning committee, said: “This is a fantastic programme that meets many of our Council’s priorities including the best start in life for our young people and improving the level of skills within our communities and workforce. Our Active School and Community Sport Team has delivered a range of training opportunities for these young people that not only demonstrate their commitment but can open doors to further education or employment.”
Councillor Ros Surtees, vice chair, said: “The young people will gain immensely from this programme which will provide them with the skills, knowledge and confidence to organise and support the delivery of sport and physical activity programmes. Officers will continue to work with and mentor the young people to enhance their skills and confidence, providing further opportunities for others to take part in sport and physical activity.”
Karen Dalgleish, communication and support officer for the Holywood Trust, who was there to present a cheque for £2,330, said: “The Trust is pleased to support this training programme and commitment from young people who have given up time in their holidays to develop their interest in sport and help out in sports clubs and local schools throughout the year to come.”