Potted Sports Festival was Fun for All

All six Maxwelltown High Cluster Primary’s recently participated in their annual P2 Potted Sports Festival organised by their Active schools and Community Sport Officer, Jacqui Byers.


This year’s festival took place at Lincluden Primary School where the Primary 6 pupils from Lincluden led upon the 12 stations with exemplary leadership skills. There were 160 pupils from across the cluster primaries which participated in the event, with lots of smiles and fun had at all the stations.


Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Committee, Councillor Tom McAughtrie said: “One of our Council Priorities is to provide the best start in life for all children. Potted Sports was a great opportunity for primary school children around the Maxwelltown High Cluster to come together. I hope all of the children enjoyed taking part.”


It is hoped that all clusters in Nithsdale will host similar events next year.


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