Queens Supporters Board Bid Rejected By Shareholders

Following the Queen of the South Football Club‘s annual general meeting held this evening Mon 20th February, Shareholders have decided to reject a bid by a supporters’ association for a seat on the board.

The Queens Trust with the backing of Dumfries and Galloway Council won the right to have the resolution added to the agenda as they aimed to secure a place for a director or a non-voting seat on the board.  However, the current directors had informed the shareholders of their intentions to vote against the motion in a statement issued with their annual report and it was the current board who received the backing of the shareholders.

Around 100 shareholders attended the meeting held in The Nith Hotel where both sides had the opportunity to give their reasons and after the vote was cast the result was two to one against the motion.

Director, Mark Blount said “It was important that it was added to the agenda, it brought the issue out into the open and gave the shareholders the opportunity to have their say.  There are no winners this evening, we put forward our case that we work in a streamlined way and due to confidentiality we felt that it wasn’t right to have a supporters representative on the Board.  As the Chairman outlined in his speech, we are halfway through a vision that we have to make the club sustainable and we want to see that through.  But we won’t be around forever and who knows the next Board may see things differently.  We always have and always will operate an open door policy, we are approachable, if anyone has any gripes then come and speak to us”.

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