Scotland Award for Dumfries Cricket Club

Dumfries Cricket Club won one of the three Club specific awards from Cricket Scotland at their Annual Awards Dinner in Edinburgh recently. This was the Cricket Scotland Club Communication Award for 2019 and is awarded for good communications with members and the wider community.

Nicola Wilson, the Cricket Scotland Head of Participation, said “Dumfries CC are one of the leading clubs in Scotland with the way they communicate internally and externally.”
“We are really impressed with the array of content they provide to promote cricket locally and beyond. We instituted this award this year in order to encourage clubs and they are an excellent example”.

The evening interleaved awards for the Scotland International sides, men’s and women’s teams, domestic, and regional, trophies and player awards and five awards relating to participation of which Dumfries Cricket Club collected one.

Andy Reed, Club Chairperson commented “we do try hard to make all feel involved and regard everyone associated with the club is important as everyone else.”
“With the new summer season approaching there is cricket to get involved with at the club with junior, women’s and senior sessions, and we are very keen to welcome any new participants, from age five to fifty plus, of all abilities, to enjoy their sport here at Nunholm”.
“This Monday (24th) we have introductory activities for girls and boys aged 5-8 at St Joseph’s Sports Hall at 5-6pm for £1 only. Newcomers are very welcome to come along and join in with our All Stars cricket sessions there.”

The club at Nunholm, Dumfries Sports Club, is contactable on [email protected], online at, and on social media, @DumfriesCricket.


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