Solway Sharks Juniors Under 14s First Season Back!

With only 1 more game to play, The newly formed Solway Sharks under 14s are coming away with lots of experience, knowledge and new skills under their belts.

They started off the session as a development team with only a small few with game experience, the team is a mix of play ups, play downs and some who were brand new to the sport this season.The team has grew from strength to strength and their progression was reflected within the score lines, allowing them to close the gap at each game. Working hard on training and learning from each game has allows them to build a good foundation for the future.

U14’s Coach Robert Chalmers said: it’s  been a tough season but the kids have worked extremely hard at practice and they have made good process which is starting to show in game situations.  Its great to see them gel as a team and I’m sure they will continue in this path.
Team Manager Lindsay Chalmers said: Seeing these guys start as a new team developing into teammates and becoming great friends, working hard together makes all the work that goes on behind the scenes worthwhile.  If they keep up the hard work that’s been put in this season they will have bright futures in ice hockey.
The u14 and u16s had a trip at the beginning of the month to Belfast to  play the junior Belfast Giants at the impressive SSE Arena, which was an amazing experience for the kids, the Teams had the pleasure of staying to watch the Belfast Giant Vs Coventry Blaze EIHL game afterwards. And what a show they put on. We would like to say a huge thanks to Dunedin Dental Laboratory Ltd for sponsoring our Belfast trip.
Also a big thanks to our sponsors Palmerston Car Wash and Finnie Heavy Haulage Ltd for covering the cost of the ice we used at Lockerbie Ice Rink, to allow our teams to still train while the Ice Bowl Dumfries were hosting other competitions.

We really appreciate the support and kindness!


Anyone interested in playing ice hockey should contact Dumfries ice Bowl 01387 251300 or Solway Sharks Junior Ice Hockey club @ [email protected].