Solway Super Sundays Launched at Ice Bowl

Solway Sharks Juniors were delighted to launch a new initiative at Dumfries Ice Bowl last Sunday.  The first of a planned series of Solway Super Sundays saw registered under 10 players from all over the country descend on Dumfries to come together in a joint training session aimed specifically at young, developing players.

The first, very successful session, was a mix of fun and training drills, and was enjoyed by all who took part, with players travelling from as far afield as Edinburgh and Lanarkshire to join in.  Solway Head Coach Martin Grubb said afterwards, “This was a great session, and a great initiative to help develop these young players by bringing them all together on a monthly basis.  Everyone tried really hard and relished the ice time, and all the smiling faces at the end told us we were doing something right.”

There was also a well-attended Council-run Learn to Play Ice Hockey session on Sunday, in addition to the usual Tuesday and Thursday sessions at the rink.  This session was well-attended by local youngsters keen to try the sport, and it is planned to repeat the event on the last Sunday of each month.  Grubb commented, “We are always keen to welcome new players to the sport, and Learn to Play sessions are the ideal way for local youngsters to take their first steps on the Solway player pathway.  Several of our Senior Sharks started their hockey careers at these sessions, and anyone has the opportunity to follow in their footsteps. Basic skating skills are required, but we can teach the rest and provide basic kit for players starting out.  Ice Hockey is great fun, and I would encourage anyone interested to come along and give it a go.”

Anyone interested in Learn to Play sessions should contact Dumfries Ice Bowl on 01387 251300 for further information.

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