Success for para-drivers at the 2014 National Novice Para Driving Championships at Sandringham House.

Three disabled drivers who are supported by local charity Sports Driving Unlimited made the journey to Sandringham in Norfolk to compete in the 2014 National Novice Para-driving championships.

Graham Smith from Annan (main photo) won the class driving native pony Rolo and is now National Novice Para-Champion 2014 after completed the 3 stages of the competition with the least penalties. Graham has cerebral palsy and drives using only his left hand. He has been driving for 5 years and uses a specially designed ‘rein bar’ to control the pony. After his win Graham said “I am very happy to have won this. The course here is very tough and I want to thank my coach and back-stepper Stephie White for all her time and commitment and for her support at the competition, we make a good team.”


Charlotte Thomson from Eastriggs who had won the championship in the last 2 years was in second place and is Reserve National Novice Para-driving champion. Charlotte who has cerebral palsy and is a wheelchair user first started carriage driving sitting in her wheelchair on the carriage. Her participation in the sport has helped her to develop her core body strength so she can now sits on the seat.

The third young competitor is Lewis Shaw aged 14. Lewis is the first ever blind driver to compete at this national level and with the help of his groom, Amanda Nisbet, who talks him


through the movements and directions required, he also succesfully completed the course. A fantastic achievement.

Rosemary Flexney, chairperson of Sports Driving Unlimited commented “We are all very proud of our team of drivers who demonstrate on a national stage what they can achieve, year after year. There are lots of disabled people who want to come and drive with us but can’t because we are short on funds. If anyone can help – either by raising sponsorship, or holding a fund raising event, please contact me on [email protected] . Donations can be made on our website at or by texting LOGG11then amount to 70070″



Cleuchheads, Balgray, Lockerbie, DG11 2RN
01576 610544
Charity no SC038870 Company no 332979

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