Throughout the last week, triathlonscotland took steps to start its triathlon project in Dumfries and Galloway in style with a series of schools participation events.

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The governing body, working with the British Triathlon Foundation Trust and Dumfries and Galloway Council, has begun a three year project, funded by the Holywood Trust and Robertson Trust to increase triathlon in the area.
In September 2014, triathlonscotland hosted a successful participation event in Kirkcudbright, which led to four events being scheduled for 2015. Last week – 7-10th September – more than 1650 pupils from local primary schools took part in events in Stranraer, Kirkcudbright, Annan, and Sanquhar, with most of them experiencing triathlon for the very first time.
The youngsters were faced with a short pool swim, before running down to transition and getting on a bike for a 1km bike, then finishing with a 500m run, after which they received a medal proving that they had become triathletes. Each event also had various fun activities for the new triathletes to enjoy once they were finished.
The project will ensure the continuation of the participation events and will also see the recruitment of Sports Co-ordinators in the 1 a 1 a tri 2area. The Sport Co-ordinators will lead on the delivery of the participation events from 2016 onwards as well as developing after-school activity, linking with existing triathlon clubs in the area, educating the children on benefits of healthy lifestyles, and engaging the local community as coaches and volunteers.
Furthermore, a research project will be running over the three years to measure the impact of the work in the area and to see whether young people in Dumfries and Galloway are more active and involved in sport as a result of the triathlon project.

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