On a bright and Sunny, Sunday 10th April, Annan/ Moffat hosted an U13 and U14 7’s festival at Violetbank, Annan.
This involved teams in addition to the hosts from Newton Stewart, Biggar, Loch Lomond, Stewartry and Dumfries.
In both age groups all the games were keenly contested throughout the festival, with the eventual winners being –
  • U13 Biggar
  • U14 Dumfries
  • At U14, Annan/ Moffat lost three games against Loch Lomond, Dumfries and Biggar, beating Stewartry and finishing with a keenly contested draw against Newton Stewart.
    Scorers on the day were, William White 4, Aaron Carmichael 3, Ollie Ferdinand, Ross Barlow, Murray Forbes, Alex Laurie and Findlay Graham.
    At U13 Annan/ Moffat lost all they’re games but again were not disgraced scoring 7 tries over the piece through Euan Muirhead 3, Coll Irving, Max Coupland, Duncan Smith and Finley McCartney.
    Thanks to the referees on the day, Craig McCann, Andrew Jancey, Cairn Wallace, Calum Bell and Garry McCartney.
    Special thanks to all the ladies in the Grubber for keeping everyone going with refreshments during the festival and feeding all the boys after the games.
  • Match Report by: Gary ‘Taggart’ Coupland

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