Additional £17 Million Announced To Improve Scottish Road Safety In 2022/23

The Scottish Government is investing an additional £17 million to improve road safety in 2022/23.

This funding package is being provided to help deliver the commitments in the new Road Safety Framework. The Framework sets out a vision for Scotland to have the best road safety performance in the world by 2030 and an ambitious long term goal where no one is seriously injured or killed on our roads by 2050.

In 2022/23 this funding will deployed under a new Road Safety Improvement Fund, supporting engineering, research, education, marketing campaigns and partnership working which will make our roads safer for everyone in Scotland.

Minister for Transport Jenny Gilruth confirmed the funding allocation during Scotland’s Road Safety Week in a speech to the annual Road Safety Scotland conference.

Minister for Transport Jenny Gilruth said:

“Scotland can be proud of our longstanding commitment to improving road safety. I want that to continue, but also for us to continue to make improvements. Our aim is for Scotland to have the best road safety performance in the world and so I’m pleased to confirm that the Scottish Government will invest £17 million to improve road safety in the coming year.
“This significantly enhanced funding package will help us ensure that Scotland has the best road safety performance in the world by 2030 and help achieve our long term goal of ‘Vision Zero’ where no one is seriously injured or killed on our roads by 2050.
“Whether it’s providing grant funding to organisations through our forthcoming Road Safety Improvement Fund or supporting more award winning marketing campaigns delivered through Road Safety Scotland – all of this money will support the ambitious commitments in Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030.”

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