Carson Welcomes Vehicle Activated Traffic Calming Signs for Haugh of Urr

Galloway and West Dumfries MSP Finlay Carson has welcomed news that vehicle activated signs are finally going to be installed in the village of Haugh of Urr.


The local MSP met with campaigner Tam Gaffney on Friday in the village to celebrate the good news and congratulated Tam and other village campaigners for their tireless hard work.


The sign will be erected at the eastern side of the village and will encourage drivers to slow down as they approach the 30mph limit upon entering the village, with the signs proving successful elsewhere in rural communities.


Dumfries and Galloway are set to install the sign before the end of March, with the B784 through Haugh of Urr being regularly used when the A75 trunk route is closed.


It is also hoped that villagers will be able actively fundraise for a second sign to be installed at the western approach to the village, with match funding currently being sought from the Timber Transport Fund.


Commenting, Finlay Carson MSP said: “This is hugely welcome news and I am delighted the hard campaigning by villagers in Haugh of Urr has finally paid off.
“The village has suffered huge disruption on too many occasions when it is used as a diversion route with vehicles failing to slow down when going through the Haugh.
“I hope these vehicle activated signs will encourage more responsible driving and lead to less disruption for local residents.”


A spokesperson for the Haugh Hub added: “We are absolutely delighted to receive the news that Dumfries and Galloway Council are funding one of the signs and that Tam Gaffney is making significant progress to securing funding for the second sign.
“We appreciate that the council usually only provide a VAS on roads with reported speeding issues as well as collision history.
“However, with external funding from Transport Scotland, they are installing vehicle activated signs in the Stewartry.
“It is hoped that the signs will urge drivers to slow down and be more considerate when driving through our peaceful village which is used by walkers, cyclists and school children.”

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