New Video Showcases Scotrail Fight Against Covid-19

A new video is showcasing the work ScotRail staff have put in to keeping customers and colleagues safe and moving during the coronavirus pandemic.

It highlights the fact that since March, deep cleans on trains to prevent the spread of the virus have increased by 270 percentage points.

Cleaning staff are concentrating their efforts on all areas people frequently come into contact with, known as ‘touch points’. These include ticket machines, gates, handrails, lift surfaces, pay phones, and door handles.

During the pandemic almost one million disposable gloves and 19,000 litres of anti-viral cleaner have been used and more than 8,000 hours of additional cleaning has been carried out.

The video-diary style programme also shows ScotRail staff coming together each Thursday evening at eight o’clock to clap, and sound their train horns, for key workers.

The impact of the pandemic on ScotRail’s passenger numbers is also reflected in scenes featuring significantly less busy stations and trains, with passengers observing the train operator’s five rules for safer travel, which include wearing face coverings and maintaining physical distancing.



David Simpson, ScotRail Operations Director, said:

This video has been made by ScotRail as a tribute to colleagues who have worked so hard to keep Scotland moving by rail.
“All of our staff have always gone the extra mile to make sure customers are able to use Scotland’s Railway safely and get to and from their destination with the minimum of fuss.
“I am so proud of the work that has been done and this video is a testament to ScotRail’s efforts during the pandemic.”

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