Police Scotland Launch National Speeding Campaign 2021

Drivers who risk the safety of themselves and other road users by speeding are the focus of a campaign over the next few weeks.

The National Speeding Campaign to promote safer driving has been running since Monday, 19 July, finishing on Sunday, 8 August, and will see operational officers supported by the Safety Camera Unit delivering the campaign. The engagement and enforcement phase of the campaign will run from Monday, 26 July, to Sunday, 8 August, 2021.

Speeding is an ever present contributory factor in fatal and serious road traffic collisions. With traffic levels being significantly higher than normal, as staycations become the default option for holidays this year, officers and their colleagues within the Safety Camera Units will maintain a high profile presence on our roads to influence behaviour through engagement, education and where necessary enforcement.

Chief Superintendent Louise Blakelock said: “Travelling at inappropriate speeds is proven to be a significant factor in fatal and serious injury collisions.  This can be avoided if motorists take road safety seriously by paying attention to speed limits and the prevailing road, weather and traffic conditions.
“Police Scotland is committed to improving road safety and continues to work with a variety of partners, however we need motorists to recognise the dangers of speeding and the need to obey speed limits at all times.
“Our officers will interact with drivers throughout the campaign using education where appropriate, but where necessary enforcement action will be taken.”

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