Road Safety Roadshow to Be Held at Park Farm

Dumfries and Galloway Road Safety Partnership is organising a Road Safety Roadshow on Saturday 14 September from 11am to 3pm at Park Farm Showground, New Abbey Road, Dumfries.

There will be ‘come and try’ activities and driving experiences, a traffic collision demonstration, children’s entertainment, refreshments and road safety partners offering safety advice. Entry is free with on-site parking (cash donations welcome) and a free shuttlebus leaves the Whitesands every half hour, opposite the Salvation Army church.
Dumfries and Galloway Road Safety Partnership brings together partner organisations from across the region involved in road safety and with a keen interest in keeping the public and most at-risk road users safe through initiatives, campaigns, events and educational guidance.

Road safety is important for all ages and road users, come along for an entertaining day, meet the emergency services and other partner organisations and increase your own awareness of how to keep yourself, your family and other road users safe.