Disappointment at Transport Secretary’s refusal to drive A75

Galloway and West Dumfries MSP Finlay Carson has expressed his disappointment that Scottish Transport Secretary Michael Matheson has again turned down an invitation to drive the A75.


The local MSP, who is currently running a petition urging for investment in the region’s trunk roads had invited Mr Matheson to travel the route to see the current deteriorating state of the A75.


However, despite huge concerns from locals during Mr Carson’s recent doorstep surgeries and with well over 1,000 people having already signed Mr Carson’s petition, he is disappointed that Mr Matheson has not found time to see the route first-hand.


Commenting Finlay Carson MSP said: “The appalling state of our roads, including the vital A75 trunk road is of huge concern to my constituents who are demanding urgent investment.
“That was why I decided enough was enough and launched a petition calling on the Scottish Government to invest in our region’s roads once and for all.
“It is extremely disappointing that the Scottish Transport Secretary is unable to find the time to come down and see just how bad the state of the A75 is for local residents and visitors to Galloway.
“He did however once again suggest I travelled the route with Transport Scotland, despite already doing this last year.
“I want the minister to see it for himself.


“Over 1,000 people have already made their feelings known via the petition and that number will only rise if the Scottish government are continuing to ignore the region, which is already the feeling in the south-west.”



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